Trial Project
«What is the most complicated thing in ITO?» you will ask. To begin. Just as you take a step towards a new ITO company, you immediately become dependent on it.
We would like to offer you a cooperation option with minimal risks. We call it Trial Project – and thanks to it you can trust us and be afraid of nothing. Why? This will be discussed in the article.

Therefore, it is desirable to estimate the quality of a product, service, and terms of the new company as soon as possible – with minimum risks and costs. The best start of cooperation is the one that enables you to think again and take a step back if your expectations are not met.
We have a solution to make the first move painless. This is the Trial Project.
Let’s take a look. A classic model of implementing innovations or changes in a business can be illustrated with the following pattern:
- Situation analysis.
- Decision making.
- Hypothesis testing.
- Results / metrics receiving.
Then, the cycle repeats with new data. Step by step, trying small, less risky cooperation points, you move up the loop. Your relations with the partner get closer and you become able to entrust him with bigger and more important work scope. More than that – you also will be able to expand the team, because you already know – these guys are worth working with.
It is logical to apply this pattern with respect to ITO partner as well. Start with a small project. Check how your partner deals with it. If you are satisfied with everything, go further. Evaluate the stability of the quality, results, service, etc. – everything you need to ease your mind.
Many ITO companies operate on their own Trial terms. For example, with us, you may not pay for the work if you are not satisfied with the result. This, accordingly, reduces the risk to a minimum.
How it works at *instinctools
Customer orders a small feature or optimization for instance for 10 man-days. This time is enough to determine:
- We are suitable – then we continue to work with payment in the usual way;
- We are not suitable – work stops, payment is not necessary.
Sure, it takes some time anyway. Some risks still remain. However, you still can walk away any time you want, without sinking into a company that you do not like and experiencing extensive expenses. Trial Project is a reasonable risk minimization.

Skype ID: anna.vasilevskaya
Business Development Manager
*instinctools EE Labs