Home CSR
Instinctools recognizes the importance of global environment protection for human well-being. Our commitment is certified under ISO 14001:2015, which makes sure our environmental management systems meet international standards. In line with this, our locations operate in accordance with local environmental laws. We pay particular attention to environmental challenges and adhere to the “precautionary principle” in conducting our business operations.
Compliance with the law and the legal systems is a fundamental principle for *instinctools. *instinctools’ offices operate according to the legal system of the location of registration. Thus, we adhere to all aspects of employee legislation for each of our locations and for every employee
We also endeavor to provide a comfortable work space, convenient offices and pleasant office atmosphere, which is meticulously organized by a team of office managers in each of our locations
We believe that career development as well as personal growth opens new horizons and level of satisfaction for individuals. We support any educational initiative from our specialists by providing them with extra finances and spare time for self-development
*instinctools always endeavors to help those who are in need in our local communities as well as worldwide. We frequently organize collections for people with health problems and donate for their medical treatment
*instinctools’ objective is to achieve long-term profitable growth and develop new international market segments. This involves commitment to our stakeholders: clients, investors, employees and partners as well as the society in general
Our managers are responsible for planning and implementing a sustainable corporate governance.
Furthermore, all *instinctools managers are required to lead by example as they are the role models for our employees in terms of principles set out in the Compliance and Sustainability Guideline
hire employees carefully, ensuring that they have the appropriate personality traits and work expertise
delegate tasks precisely, fully and definitively, especially regarding compliance with legal requirements
ensure monitoring of compliance with legal requirements on an ongoing basis
clearly inform employees that breaking the law is unacceptable and will entail disciplinary proceedings
To reveal leadership skills, the most outstanding employees are encouraged to attend Leadership Club at *instinctools