How replacing several feature-poor document management solutions with a single comprehensive user-friendly system accelerated document-related processes by 23% on average.
Home Success stories Enterprise Document Management System For an Atomic Energy Corporation
Systems of electronic document management have been with large companies and state enterprises for quite some time now and are there to stay for a long time, too. It also requires more mobility from company managers who spend a lot of time out of office. Being outside the office they need to carry out their responsibilities and lose no time as well as to have a handy work interface with information systems, an easy possibility to solve problems in a fast and timely manner. In order to enable them to do so, a system interface has to be also informative and simple at its best – a manager is supposed to have on hand all the document operations possible.
What are the problems when running a document management system device with a web interface?
When running a WEB interface a manager comes across a number of limitations on their freedom of movement – the manager needs to have constant access to the resources of his company and electronic document systems, i.e. he usually cannot handle his documents while on the road, up in the air or at sea.
Web interfaces with access to electronic document
systems are often overloaded with functions and are meant for big screens with precise positioning of the mouse cursor. One needs to take his time to interact with the system as well.
When having access to electronic document systems via a mobile device it is needed to secure the proper keeping of the information received, transmitted and saved, which may be problematic in success-stories when running a mobile device outside the office.
Having several systems of document management at your company, the manager needs to switch between various WEB interfaces and carry out single operations in each of the systems.
The main purpose for developing a mobile client device was finding solutions to the following problems.
How the mobile client solves the problems mentioned above.
Application of the mobile client with offline work functions enables you to have access to documents and carry out all necessary operations with them while having limited access to electronic document management systems of the company. All operations done in the system by the user are kept in the application and if there is access to the document management system of the company, are synchronized automatically. Additionally the user is enabled to tune the synchronization intervals themselves.
Mobile client enables you to unify tasks from several systems of document management, which allows running operations faster with volumes necessary for a manager in one application. In this case one interface is enough, i.e. the interface running tasks from different systems of document management.
Interface adapted for use on mobile devices and the availability of just the operations needed enables to process documents in a faster manner and make the interface informative and simple at its best.
Interface adapted for use on mobile devices and the availability of just the operations needed enables to process documents in a faster manner and make the interface informative and simple at its best.
The mobile solutions as to the safety of information exchange with electronic document management systems and safe keeping the data disallow access to third parties to the information kept on the device, which is rather problematic when using a WEB interface. Application of different means of authentication of the user (login/password, authentication with smart cards) enables to secure reliable transmission of user data. Encrypting data bases and files of the user is fulfilled in accordance with GOST 28147-89 (State Standards).
When operating the mobile client, the additional advantages are guaranteed
As a result, the manager’s main tasks have been successfully carried out for their superior, whose usual working place was out of reach, the transparency of all working processes was also observed.
This system may be integrated into different electronic document management systems, corporate calendars, task managers and other systems engaged in working processes.